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 KJ @ FM2000-radio.com: Greetz Folks !! Welcome to the ALL NEW FM2000-Radio.com website.
Hi I'm Kj, Yep I just love radio both from a technical point of view as well as behind the microphone.
Historically these are the stations I have enjoyed being on air at BCR FM, 3GL, K-Rock and Bay FM, Radio Australia, 3XY 1422, One FM Melbourne, CFM, Classic Hits 101.5, and resurrected FM2000.
Of course there have been 2 iterations of FM2000 in the 2000's and again in the 2020's
I do acknowledge a few people whom i have had the pleasure of knowing along the way in this world of radio. In no particular order:
Don Dwyer(3GL), Donny Sutherland (2KY), Craig Meddings (3BA & 3GL) , Mal 'Mulga' Pitchford (CFM), Gene Bradly 'The Outlaw' Fisk (3GL), John Sandles (Tech-KROCK), Adrian Harper (Tech GOLD-FM), John Laws (Tamworth Country Music Festival) and Dick Smith (Tamworth Country Music Festival)
Musicians and artists that have appeared on our shows Music: Kids in the Kitchen, Darryl Braithwaite, INXS, Lee Kernaghan, Tania Kernaghan, Slim Dusty, Wet Wet Wet, Daryl Braithwaite, Jimmy Barnes, INXS, Darryl Cotton, Vince sorentti, Queen (special tribute to Freedie Mercury). Australian Legend John Williamson (interviewed and Hosted a live show before a live audience)
Notable People Interviewed: Mephisto (Internet Guru - former ISP-netcafe Owner), Dread (aka David Read) Dick Smith (Entrepreneur - Philanthropist), John Blackman 3UZ-3AW & Hey Hey Its Saturday), Phylis Dyler (US Actress and Comedienne), Joel Garner (Legendary Cricket Player), Sir Ian Botham (Legendary Cricket Player), Sir Viv Richards (Legendary Cricket Player), Bob Hawke (Former Prime Minister - Australia), Jeff kennett (Former Premier of Victoria), Morgan Tsvangirai (leader of MDC Zimbabwe), Scott Morrison PM of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull Former PM, Julie Bishop former Foreign Minister. Campbell Newman (Former Queensland Premier), Wyatt Roy (formerly Federal Member for Longman and youngest MP at election), Terry Young (Federal member for Longman)
There are more to this list ill add them as time goes but each of the above has had some sort of impact on me and thankful to have known them.
Station History can be found right here.
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